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Second Brain For Creators
🚀 Quick Start Guide
1️⃣ Start Here (1:29)
Before we start...
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Enhanced Transcriptions
Why should you build your second brain? (13:38)
What's the scope of this course? (11:13)
Second Brain For Business And Personal Life? (6:21)
Whats a note? (5:24)
Different Note Types & The Hybrid Note-Taking Methodology (10:02)
Second Brain Components (10:51)
Optimizing your system (11:09)
The 4C Framework (2:59)
Stage 1: CONSUME
Introduction (4:09)
Horizontal vs Vertical Consumption (12:15)
Using Friction (16:43)
Bad Information Amplifies Your Ignorance (8:03)
Never consume content straight away: "Save it for later" rule (11:46)
How to pick up the right content (14:38)
A simple trick to only consume the best info in any discipline
CRAAP Handout
Action Steps (4:41)
Stage 2: COLLECT
Introduction (2:18)
The psychology behind using a capturing app (7:52)
Capturing Tool Setup (14:04)
From The Capturing Tool To Your Knowledge Base (10:43)
Obsidian Inbox And Setup (6:28)
Obsidian Inbox Walk-through (10:04)
Obsidian quick-start
Handling multiple inboxes (5:08)
Action Steps (2:49)
Stage 3: CONNECT
Introduction (13:47)
Note-taking standards (9:21)
The power of abstraction (14:11)
Multi-door technique to classify your notes (9:23)
Processing my inbox (10:33)
Processing articles, podcasts, and videos (3:46)
Processing podcasts (2:19)
Processing seminar notes (11:59)
How to take book notes (Walk-through) (15:42)
Identifying the gaps in your knowledge (Walk-through - Part 1) (11:59)
Problems and desires – Theory (9:34)
Problems and desires – Practice (12:36)
Classification doesn't work: Detailed walkthrough of and insight-driven note (17:24)
Before you go on...
Action Steps (1:38)
Stage 4: CREATE
Introduction (2:12)
Thinking vs. Creating (13:44)
Output Folder Structure (12:17)
How to reference your output (part 1) (3:48)
How to reference your output (part 2) (10:49)
The power of 1 content = 1 idea (6:20)
Maximizing the Graph View (6:06)
Recycling Your Content (6:56)
Market Resonance: How to identify what works (and do more of it) (24:26)
How to Find Cliffhangers to Spice Up Your Call-to-Actions (5:51)
Conclusion (2:38)
Make money with this course
How to map out a year's worth of content in 1 hour (51:20)
How (and when) to chunk down your index notes (8:21)
Structuring Your Index Notes With "What,Why,How" (12:11)
Syncing your Obsidian Vault (3:07)
My latest file structure (6:22)
Identifying the gaps in your knowledge (Walk-through - Part 1)
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